footnote: As we have mentioned, the study of Italian is to potentially save large sums of money that might otherwise be spent on mental health problems. and not to attend exclusive gatherings at the Harvard Club. The leopard was working at a grocery store and the college bursary (where she saw how wealthy the institution actualy was), was on financial aid, and could by no means afford the dresses which were de rigeur; thus was forced to turn down invitations to "the harvard club."
What she was investigating was the power of the Engelbrott. not merely in theory, but also in practice.

If you enjoyed the Smith of Wooten Major mini class, and would care for another (also free) along the same lines, you might try a look into the world of Pasolini, who in some senses is a founding father of the university along with Uriel.
His essay "the unhappy young people" is introduced to participants who wish for a European Catholic perspective on BS theory, to buttress Frankfurters' Princeton flavored Jewish Humor in "On Bullshit" which in some ways is actually quite similar.
and, Frassati, the namesake of the Valanga, is one obvious incarnation of the answer to Pa's question about how to restore happiness to the world
For those who wish for a more indepth study of who may have killed Pasolini, Aldo Moro, Albino Luciani, Oscar Romero-Rutilio Grande, Walter Benjamin and other bizarre high profile political murders of the 20th century, feel free to pursue these matters and design a course around it for possible credit at Uriels' Guadalupe Graduate school of global garden government.
This could potentially be taken alongside a course exploring a comparison of legends of Zeus/Athena and Gabriel/Madonna, etc, God/Adam, etc. where politilca leaders seek to destroy all potential political/economic rivals in one fashion or another, in direct oppoition to the "kingdom of heaven" proposed by Christ.